Each One Feed One

Coronavirus’s devastating impact includes closed businesses and lost jobs. The dismaying end result is starvation/hunger. So to help the families who are most affected by this pandemic we started the program Each One Feed One. Under this, we are giving cooked meals to those who are homeless and ration kits to the families who have the provision to cook at home. This project will provide food assistance to families in need enabling them to stay alive and healthy till the time the situation comes back to normal and they are able to earn again and feed themselves and their families. Let’s come together to help India in this moment of crisis as they not only battle the COVID pandemic but also hunger. Together we can stop hungry families from starving to death. Provide them with wholesome cooked meals and dry rations. Do your bit, now.

Support for Ejipura

Ejipura is the home for more than 10,000 families working as domestic workers, auto drivers, cab drivers, etc. Surviving a pandemic is difficult in itself, but more so when your source of daily income is taken away, making it difficult to find food and shelter. While some of us have the privilege to stock up on essentials, most of the families are struggling every day to arrange food for their families. Please come forward in support of these families and help their kids to sleep with their stomachs full.

Old age Homes

As India tries to stay afloat amidst the pandemic, our poor and vulnerable elderly face the highest risk. Countless have lost their lives, many have comorbidities, and are physically frail with chronic conditions. We are taking measures to ensure that the poor elderly have food to eat, so they can maintain their nutrition and immunity levels. We are supporting old-age homes like Aashvasan, Sneha Jyoti, and more with cooked meals and ration kits so that all our senior citizens can sail through these tough times.

Food for Voiceless

The pandemic has been keeping people indoors and public places empty. Restaurants, bars, party halls, and other small eateries are all closed, with minimum functioning for food delivery. With this situation, many stray animals are roaming in the cities in search of food, fodder, and water. We are making our efforts to make sure that NO ONE SLEEP HUNGRY and to ensure this we are supporting animal lovers like Asrar Khan Usmani who is working towards feeding these animals.


Many Small and Mid-size Orphanages are left with no donors due to this pandemic. This is affecting the nutritional level of the children and many are suffering due to lack of food. To help these kids have nutritious meals we are providing them with monthly ration kits.